Anyone who thinks America has many fulfilling jobs using their many educational skills should know that Craigslist personal ads like the one mentioned below are common. As bored at work ads go though this one stands out, even among bored at work ads. We cannot help notice the 41 minutes. That is not 40 minutes. That is not half an hour; that is 41 minutes.
“I have only been at work for 41 minutes and feel like I have been here for hours. Because of the holidays coming up my days at work are spent looking at websites like [sic] please come talk to me. I can only chat through e-mail, but it is on all day. My job will allow me to look at a lot of websites while I sit here bored, but I can't us[sic] IM, so we have to chat through e-mail. Care to talk?"
-Personal Ad Craigslist website, Washington, DC, Dec 2005
“I have only been at work for 41 minutes and feel like I have been here for hours. Because of the holidays coming up my days at work are spent looking at websites like [sic] please come talk to me. I can only chat through e-mail, but it is on all day. My job will allow me to look at a lot of websites while I sit here bored, but I can't us[sic] IM, so we have to chat through e-mail. Care to talk?"
-Personal Ad Craigslist website, Washington, DC, Dec 2005