On this post we want to summarize the big picture of changes to service providing jobs from 1990 through 2010. The table below highlights sector job counts detailed from the sector job posts above. Remember it does not count people employed, which averaged 139.1 million for 2010. People employed counts wage and salary employment and the self employed both in and out of agriculture. The table below counts jobs, otherwise known as establishment employment without any self employed, which had a monthly average total of 129.8 million jobs in 2010. Jobs do not equal people employed because one person can have two or more jobs. One person with two jobs is counted twice in the jobs data, but once in the people employed data.
Summary of Service Industry Employment with pie charts below
Columns (2) and (4) in the table have annual average establishment employment by North American Industry Classification for 1990 and 2010. Columns (3) and (5) have their respective percentage shares of establishment employment with column (6) showing the gain or loss of jobs from 1990 to 2010. Column (7) has the difference of the percentage of sector employment for 2010 from the percentage for 1990. As a computation it is column(5) minus column(3). For example, row(2) shows changes and percentage shifts in goods production. Goods production employment declined 7.99 percent.
Column(8) translates the share changes into jobs from a share loss. For example row(2) shows 5.968 million jobs lost for goods production employment. If good production had maintained its share of employment as it was in 1990 there would be 10.373 million more goods production jobs than there are in 2010. The number is the product of total establishment employment in row(1) and column(4) and the percentage gain or loss in column(7). Notice that the loss of goods producing employment exactly equals the gain of service providing employment. The other rows in column(8) are computed the same way and distribute the share gains and losses between different industries.
The gain for service providing employment is not evenly distributed across service industries. The gainers are grouped at the top of service prviders and together they have an 9.07 percent gain. The losers are grouped at the bottom of service providers and together than have a 2.93 percent loss. Their combination equals 7.99 percent.
The table also highlights the shift of employment within service providing industries, where there are 14.178 million new jobs that resulted from an industry's percentage increase of all jobs. This constrasts with 3.805 million jobs lost that resulted from an industry's share decreases. The combination exactly equals the 10.374 million gain for service providing industries and the equivalent loss for goods production.
Two pie charts give a visual look at the changes in shares. The first chart has the percentage split of the nearly 14.18 million jobs in share gaining service sectors. The second chart has the percentage of 3.8 million jobs in share losing service sectors.
Distribution of 14.18 Million Job Share Gains by Service Sector 1990-2010
Distribution of 3.81 million Job Share Losses by Service Sector 1990-2010
Saturday, 29 December 2007
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